Das Currents Festival (früher «Apples & Olives Festival») kreiert im EXIL und Moods während vier Tagen ein Erlebnis abseits von Genrekonventionen und bringt Künstler:innen aus unterschiedlichen Stilrichtungen zusammen. So sollen nicht nur intellektuell stimulierende, sondern in erster Linie aufregende musikalische Erlebnisse entstehen. Das diesjährige Lineup bietet deshalb die perfekte Möglichkeit, um in die vielfältige Welt der zeitgenössischen Musik einzutauchen.
Lineup Mittwoch:
Wolfgang Brederode, Matangi Quartet & Joost Lijbaart: Ruins and Remains:
How can a piece sound that expresses grief and loss and at the same time encourages people to get up again and not let themselves get down?
In 2018 – on the 100th anniversary of the First World War – the Dutch pianist and composer Wolfert Brederode put an idea into musical form that had been on his mind for some time: the composition of a suite for piano, percussion and string quartet, which translates the destructive side of man and nature and at the same time their fragility and resilience into sound. Four years later, the piece Ruins and Remains celebrates its premiere. Brederode's highly sensitive piano playing merges with the lyrical melodies and abstract sound fields of percussionist Joost Lijbaart and the Matangi String Quartet to create a musical contemplation on the resilience of humanity – a theme that could hardly be more topical in light of recent events.
As soon as the pandemic is over, new crises, conflicts and wars flare up, causing despair, but in which hope flashes through again and again. This duality is also reflected in Brederode's work: improvisation vs. composition, minor vs. major, atonal vs. tonal alternate in Ruins and Remains, merge into one another and are sometimes almost impossible to separate. Brederode sees the piece as an evolving suite. Leitmotifs and harmonic progressions return again and again, while at the same time parts are added or omitted, stretched, shortened or connected through free improvisations. "This allows us to let the music breathe and transform it without losing its essence." From the ruins and remnants, Brederode creates something new that amazes, surprises and inspires confidence.
Altersbeschränkung: Einlass ab 16 Jahren und nur gegen Vorweisung eines amtlichen Ausweises. Besucher:innen im Alter von 6 bis 15 Jahren nur in Begleitung einer erziehungsberechtigten Person.